Since the outbreak of Coronavirus known as CONVID-19 in China in January 2020, the Minister of health in Lagos State has confirmed its first case of CONVID-19 on the 27th of February 2020. It was reported that an Italian Citizen from Milan, Italy who came to the country on 26th of February for a business trip, fell ill on the 26th of February and was transferred to the Lagos State Bio-security facilities for isolation and testing, later was confirmed by the Virology Laboratory of Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) that the patient has been infected with CONVID-19. The epidemic of 2019 novel coronavirus (now called SARS-CoV-2, causing the disease Covid-19) has expanded from Wuhan throughout China and is being exported to a growing number of countries. Thus several question has been asked on this killer disease, first, what is CONVID-19, the illness that originated in Wuham China? It is caused by a member of the coronavirus family that has never been encountered before, ...
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